The Internet of Things (IoT)

I had breakfast over the weekend with persons of interest in real estate and this topic of IoT popped up in a conversation. What's interesting is how the development of oil and gas infrastructure as well as how far away it is to be developed like the Republic of Singapore in comparison. For starters, Singapore lies strategically along the shipping routes off the Malacca straits allowing its ports to cater to all sorts of products and services while it collects a fee to manage. Careful planning and thought was laid to build a foundation for the powerhouse it is today. Much like how the use of our handheld device, where we can disseminate and propagate information that requires us to further our business where competition is stiff. You're probably wondering where I'm drifting you with this. I'm in the business of natural gas development in the state of Sabah. We're larger in terms of  geographical mass (sq.ft.) compared to Singapore. Nonetheless, with the advent of a more efficient mode of mass communication like 5G. This technology allows us to direct our ships to shores much more easier than it was during the days of yore. Here's a video teaser for you loyal readers to this blog. blog. Follow this link. For your entertaintment purposes.


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