Embracing Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Great minds like the late Stephen Hawkings have warned us to "Beware of A.I." Much like the warning sign on a house that states "BEWARE OF THE DOG." Meant to keep perpetrators at bay. A stiff warning of what can occur if it's let loose and the mere possibility of what can occur sends shivers down our spine. It is the fear of the unknown that keeps us on our toes at every single nook and cranny of our psyche. What was the last horror movie you watched on Netflix lately? We get a good fright when the horror rears its ugly head and cringe when Linda Blair wraps her head 360 degrees in The Exorcist. Why are we so afraid of A.I.? Will it turn against us and dominate our lives? Will it lead to conflict? Early human beings were hunter-gatherers. We needed basic tools to survive. Mainly to catch, trap, and to deter threats. In this quantum computing age, AI is an enabler necessary to ensure our survivability. Without it, it's impossible to achieve the arithmetic that requires us to be more productive and competitive. It's a double-edged sword.  We can't fathom preparing a meal for our family without a sharp knife. It would take us hours to prepare chicken rice with a dull knife. That is the difference with A.I. We can do so many incredible things with it rather than without it. I'll leave with you Mustafa Suleyman, Google's Deepmind Co-founder. On why he is paranoid with A.I. 


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