Digital Transformation.

So I had breakfast last Tuesday at a popular western-styled breakfast spot that my missus and I frequented from when we first dated. I took a snap on my phone of a building where once stood a popular cinema that showcased the latest Hollywood blockbusters back then. Mind you we only had local television broadcasts before we had satellite TV. This was entertainment, snacks on the go, and beverages to your liking. You know where I'm coming from if you're a kid of the 80s. ET, etc. Coming back to my topic, the age of 1s and 0s are ever present in how we think about broadcasting solutions to our problems, near or far, how large or small they may be. Looks may often be deceiving as the famous saying goes, "Never judge a book by its cover." I leave you with this video I searched on YouTube to lead you to what's in store for your program of choice. 

 Listen to music while you're at it too.


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